Saturday, October 23, 2010

ServletException in BPELProcessManagerBean class for getDefaultRevision method and Work Around

I met below error

  1. javax.servlet.ServletException -
  2. com.collaxa.cube.ejb.impl.BPELProcessManagerBean.
  3. getDefaultRevision
while upgrading my SOA server to by applying the patch 7586063.While log in to my BPEL console I got below error screen


while looking to the log file(%ORACLE_HOME%/opmn/logs/default_group~oc4j_soa~default_group~1.log) I figured out the method named getDefaultRevision() is missed or some problem occurs in that.

  1. <2010-10-23 11:12:25,781> <FATAL> <default.collaxa.cube.activation> <AdapterFramework::Inbound>
  2. java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:
  3. com.collaxa.cube.ejb.impl.BPELProcessManagerBean.getDefaultRevision(,
  7. oracle.tip.adapter.fw.jca.AdapterFrameworkListenerImpl.onInit(
  8. at oracle.tip.adapter.fw.agent.jca.JCAActivationAgent.setupEndpoint(
  9. oracle.tip.adapter.fw.agent.jca.JCAActivationAgent.initiateInboundJcaEndpoint(

While investigating I came across few brainstorming facts.

  1. This error comes while loading all domains,more preciously after loading all Processes.
  2. Activation Agent is throwing error and the dependent classes too.

As BPEL Console shows error in com.collaxa.cube.ejb.impl.BpelProcessManagerBean it comes to my mind about ejb-ob-engine.jar and we can find the jar file in %SOA_HOME%\j2ee\<AS_Instance>\applications\orabpel but after applying the patch upgraded jar file got created in %SOA_HOME%\bpel\system\j2ee\ejb directory with oc4j as suffix in file name and old ejb-ob-engine.jar should be replaced by the new jar file. But it may not happen while applying the patch.

As a workaround

I have stopped Oracle SOA server first using opmnctl stopall and then I have copied  'ejb_ob_engine_oc4j.jar' file from
%SOA_HOME%\bpel\system\j2ee\ejb\ejb_ob_engine_oc4j.jar to %SOA_HOME%\j2ee\<AS_Instance>\applications\orabpel and renamed it to ‘ejb_ob_engine.jar’.


I have restarted the server using opmnctl startall and BPEL Console works like a charm.


Monday, October 18, 2010

Working with ADF Choice Elements

Asking user to enter data based on ADF choice element is not a tricky one

where as capturing the data selected by user and use it to fulfill other purpose is really a tricky task. We can drag an exposed view object from Data control and drop it in our webpage then automatically we will be asked for the “Selection Type”. After Selecting a type it will create underlying iterator and Bindings and the page got displayed with proper selection types.But if user wants to display some other details based upon selected data then how we can use this selected data.

In this post I am trying to implement how entered data using choice element
got captured in backing bean.

Single Selection Choice Elements:


Figure 1

As above figure shows three types of single choice element is available in ADF and they are “select one list box”(refer figure 2),“select one choice” (refer figure 3) and “select one radio”(refer figure 4)

image  Figure 2

imageFigure 3 image Figure 4

I have used command link and as user clicks on it, backing bean method get invoked and selected data is shown as output. To achieve that we need to follow below steps.

  1. Define the action listener for command link where user needs to click to
    view the output

    <af:commandLink text="view Output"id="cmdlnk2" actionListener="#{viewScope.TestADFBean.viewOPSelOneLB}"/>

    Bind the element for showing output as a backing bean property using binding

    <af:inputText value="" binding="#{viewScope.TestADFBean.outputBinding1}"label="Select Country"id="it1"></af:inputText>

  2. Backing bean procedure is as follows

    1. public void viewOPSelOneLB( ActionEvent actionEvent) { //Get the specific binding Container
    2. BindingContainer bindings = BindingContext . getCurrent (). getCurrentBindingsEntry (); //Get the sepecific list binding using the binding name passed as argument to the get method of binding container
    3. JUCtrlListBinding listBinding = ( JUCtrlListBinding )bindings. get ("CountryEntityObjectView11"); //Get selected value
    4. Object sel = listBinding. getSelectedValue ();
    5. System.out. println (sel);
    6. outputBinding1. setVisible (true); //Set selected value to already binded property
    7. outputBinding1. setValue ("Output From SelectOneListBox [" + sel + "]");
    8. }

Multiple Selection Choice Elements:


Figure 5

As above picture depicts ADF Multiple selection consists of “Select Many Choice” (refer to Figure 7), “Select Many Shuttle”(refer to Figure 6),”Select Many List Box”(refer to Figure2),Select Many Check Box is same as “Select One Radio” as shown in Figure 4 but the difference is Check Box(please refer the drop down element of Figure 7) occurs instead of Radio button and user can select more
than one value which is not possible in Radio button.
image image
Figure6 Select Many Shuttle                                        Figure 7 ADF select Many Choice

For displaying data selected by user using multiple choice selection is exactly same except the backing bean method(Step 1 and Step 2 is same as above).

Backing bean method is as follows.

  1. public void SelectInputLsnrForShuttle( ActionEvent actionEvent) { //Get Binding Conatiner
  2. BindingContainer bindings = BindingContext . getCurrent (). getCurrentBindingsEntry (); //Get the sepecific list binding
  3. JUCtrlListBinding listBinding = ( JUCtrlListBinding )bindings. get ("CountryEntityObjView_LOV1"); //Get all Selected Values
  4. Object[] str = ( Object[] )listBinding. getSelectedValues ();
  5. StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer (); //Append all Selected objects to a buffer
  6. for ( int i =0;i<str. length ();i++){
  7. buf. append (" ");
  8. buf. append (str[i]);
  9. buf. append (" ");
  10. System.out. println (buf. toString() );
  11. }
  12. opBindingForShuttle. setVisible (true); //Set selected value
  13. opBindingForShuttle. setValue (buf. toString() );
  14. }

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Customizing ExecuteWithParams : Executing a view Runtime Based on User Input

Step1: Create a view with input parameter based on which the query needs to be fired

Step2: Implement the view implementation class and wrap it with an application module

Crate a custom method in Application Module Implementation class for executing the view object.

Step 4: Create a client interface for that Implementation class and make sure that the newly created custom method is included.

Step 5: Make sure that the custom method is exposed in Data Control.

Step 6: Create a method binding in Page definition xml file.

Step 7: Create an Input box in your webpage and bind that one with Managed Bean.

Step 8: Create a button and set Action listener on that to execute the custom method.

Action Listener is defined as

Step 9: Create a dynamic table which used as a container for output

Step 10: view Output

Thursday, October 7, 2010

autoSuggestBehavior using Database Query

autoSuggestBehavior is new addition in oracle ADF 11g used to display suggestedItems in a drop down box for an editable component in webpage based on user input on that. In this post what I am trying to show is an implementation of autoSuggestBehavior. Weblog for the AMIS Technology corner has a very good post for that. I am trying to leverage database persistence with autoSuggestBehavior. Data which is displayed as suggestedItems can be taken from backing bean (we can refer ( for that methodology) or we can use data from database tables. In this post I have implemented that.

Below is the output of that implementation.

I have created a SQL script for creating country table and inserting values to that table. Please refer for downloading that script.

To achieve this only unlike other ADF projects we need not to create any Entity object, view object, Application Module. We can directly start working on webpage. As discussed earlier autosuggestBehavior shows suggestedItems for editable component in webpage. So we have used an inputText and attach viewscope managed bean procedure to the suggestedItems.

The Procedure is as follows

Used getCountries () procedure is as follows

I have used JDBC connection from managed bean to retrieve all country details. Below procedure is used for that.

Above method shows the Implementation without using any ADF Components like Entity, View, and ApplicationModule. But we can achieve same using a view object named "CountryEntityObjectView" and expose that view in Application Module. So that It will reflect in data control.

After that we need to create an Iterator in Page Definition file like below

Make sure that Its Range Size is Sufficient enough to capture all country names. We need to use this Iterator in our Managed Bean Procedure for suggestedItems (showed in 3rd Screen Shot here) as below

download link for Managed Bean java code is , for webpage is for page definition file is