AIA - Application Integration Architecture
EBO - Enterprise Business Objects
EBM - Enterprise Business Messages
ABM - Application Business Messages
EBS - Enterprise business Service
ABCS - Application Business Contract Service
EBF - Enterprise Business Flow
WSDL - Web Service Definition Language
BPEL - Business Process Execution Language
An actual implementation of Oracle Application Integration Architecture requires
• Defining integration scenarios
• creation of functional design document,
• creation of technical design documents
• Developing AIA integration Scenario
• Testing AIA integration scenario
1. Defining Integration Scenario:
This includes identification of various collaboration artifacts between several applications. This artifacts includes.
Enterprise Business Objects (EBO): canonical cross functional application independent business entity . Mainly XML schema definitions (XSD)
Enterprise Business Services (EBS): Centerpiece of AIA,light weight business service which implements operations that an EBO should have.
Application Business Connector Service (ABCS): connecting service for participating applications which is called by or calls EBS
Enterprisie Business Messages (EBM): Input and output messages for EBS
Enterprise Business Flows (EBF): Orchestration of multiple EBS in case Integration scenario is not bound to ABCS-EBS-ABCS paradigm.
2. creation of functional design document:
Functional design document produces Exact EBO's needs to be used from foundation pack and Enterprise Business Messages (EBM) from Foundation Pack and if required we need to create or extend them.
Apart from these FDD should capture detail about participating Application and their business trigerring events and functional flows.This is generic for all FDD.
3. creation of technical design document
Technical design document produces actual flow logic, error handling framework, Domain value Map creation, Mappings between ABM to EBM and vice versa.TDD captures detailed analysis of ABMs and their mappings to EBMs as well as Identified EBS,ABCS and EBF from AIA foundation framework.
Technical design document also produce Security model and Deployment strategy
4. Developing AIA Integration Scenario
- Developing EBS is first thing to be taken care of.EBS are selected as per TDD and Developer should define contract first for selected EBS which includes identification of all operations supported by that and Identification of each and every operation in EBS which use specific EBM as input and output.From a developers point of view it is important to understand which type of business service is going to fit in. There are two types of EBS . One is Entity based service and other is process based service. Entity based service is used to implement operations that an EBO can do where as Process based Service uses a customize WSDL which is used to capture all operation that an EBF is supposed to do.
- Developing ABCS(Application Business Contract Service):
ABCS contract is nothing but the WSDL that is used by that ABCS and defining that contract is to understand participating systems and their Integration touch pints as well as their integration capabilities.
- Developing EBF:
To define the contract for an EBF we need to Identify whether EBF is required or not.An EBF is needed when an enterprise business service (EBS) operation needs to be implemented with a set of tasks and involves invoking of multiple services. To create the contract for an enterprise business flow we need to Identify the EBM and Construct the WSDL for the EBF.
An EBF can invoke only another EBS. In no situation should an EBF invoke an application business connector (ABC) service directly. and design pattern for the EBF and
One interesting fact is that from development point of view ther is no difference between an ABCS and an EBF because both of them are BPEL process and requires a complex WSDL to be constructed as their contract but ABCS deals with ABM while EBF deals with EBM.