The Query as follows
SELECT Order_Number, Order_line_number, Order_type, Line_type, creation_date, Quantity, Price, Model_NBR
FROM cci_order_monitor_points
WHERE TRUNC (creation_date) BETWEEN TO_DATE (:frmdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') AND TO_DATE (:todate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') AND
division = :division AND
destinationsystem = :destination AND
monitor_ref = :ref AND
originatingsystem = :origin
Now in User Interface we need to have
- one <af:commandLink> or <af:commandButton> for firing event
- two RichInputDate one for frmdate and another for todate.
- Other values can be feed using RichInputText or RichSelectOneChoice as per designer choice.
When that Command Button is pressed or Command Link is clicked then its corresponding ActionListener method will execute and this is the place where we can evaluate all validation and check whether right input is feed to that query or not.
So First of all we need to get hold of those Rich components. Select the rich component and go to it's property
We can create a new Managed bean or use an existing one ; it will create one Private variable and two methods one for setter and another for getter of the same.
In the method for that Action Listener public void actionListenerImpl(ActionEvent actionEvent) we can refer that property and create our own validation logic.